Family Dentistry – Lewisville TX – Dentist Natalie Goodman The Lewisville Dentist – Texas 75067

St. Patrick’s Day

March 16th, 2012

St. Patrick’s Day, celebrated every year on March 17th, commemorates Saint Patrick as well as the arrival of Christianity in Ireland. Saint Patrick is the most popular, well known patron saint of Ireland and in the entire world. The celebration of this Saint is actually a public holiday in Ireland and Newfoundland and widely celebrated in other countries, such as Great Britain, Canada, the United States, Argentina, Australia and New Zealand. Although this day started as a religious celebration, it has morphed into a cultural holiday where many celebrate by wearing green and eating and drinking green fare.

Most don’t know that the original color associated with St. Patrick’s Day was blue. Over the years this changed to green as Saint Patrick was said to have used the green, three-leafed shamrock to explain the Holy Trinity to the pagan Irish in his attempts to teach Christianity. Currently, the wearing and displaying of shamrocks has become a central feature of St. Patrick’s Day.

The ever-popular “Kiss Me I’m Irish” slogan has become a common catch phrase among Americans celebrating St. Patrick’s Day. Dr. Goodman hopes your smile is beautifully bright and your breath is noticeable fresh for this holiday. In addition to daily brushing and flossing, what techniques do you use to keep your mouth fresh and clean? Comment here to let us know or on our Facebook page at:

Map vs. Compass

March 9th, 2012

natalie goodman, dentist in lewisville texas

“The map keeps getting redrawn; technology keeps changing the routes we take. The compass, on the other hand, is more important then ever. If you don’t know which direction you’re going, how will you know when you’re off course? We spend most of our time learning the map, while we should be calibrating our compass.” Seth Godin

How many of you have felt like this? You get comfortable with one way of thinking, only to find the “experts” changing their opinions and now needing to learn a new way. It’s hard to keep up!

Luckily, you can always count on Dr. Goodman to be on top of the latest education and technological innovation. With all the other responsibilities you have at home and at work, it would be impossible for you to keep up with advances and changes in the dental field pertaining to your dental health, as well as over all health.

Let Dr. Goodman be your “compass.” You can put your trust in us at The Lewisville Dentist and know we always make your health and peace of mind our #1 priority. Whether you’re coming in for a regular cleaning, finally getting that Smile Makeover you’ve always wanted or taking care of that pesky toothache, know that we always utilize the latest education and technology to care for your dental needs.

Smiles for Life

March 2nd, 2012

natalie goodman, dentist in lewisville, teeth whitening

Smiles For Life is an organization set up through members of the Crown Council, a prestigious alliance of leading-edge dentists around the world who are strongly committed to excellence in their fields, to continuing education, to serving their communities through charitable work, and to focusing on treating patients, not teeth.

Every year from March through June, Dr. Goodman, a Crown Council member, donates her time, FREE of charge, to whiten the teeth of her patients to raise money for seriously ill, disabled, and underprivileged children here in the Lewisville, Dallas – Fort Worth areas and around the world.

Philips Oral Healthcare (makers of ZOOM! teeth bleaching and BriteSmile trays) DONATES ALL of the tooth whitening supplies, and Dr. Goodman DONATES ALL of her time. Together, they offer professional teeth bleaching services at substantially reduced prices (donations) with 100% OF THE PROCEEDS GOING TO A CHILDREN’S CHARITY.

After your appointment, you will make your payment for your teeth bleaching procedure to the Smiles For Life Foundation. 50% of that payment will be given to the YET, Youth Education Town, Emmitt Smith’s charity in Arlington. The remainder is given to a children’s charity approved by the Smiles For Life Foundation. It is as simple as that. Whiten your teeth, help a child.

Whether or not you choose to have your own smile whitened, you can make a HUGE difference for these children by simply sharing this opportunity with your friends, family members, and coworkers on Facebook. Simply become a fan of our Facebook page—then share this message with all of YOUR friends on Facebook!

So, even if you can’t help through your own teeth whitening appointment, you can make it possible for others to help because of your efforts. Help Dr. Goodman and The Lewisville Dentist make a difference in children’s lives today!

Leap Year

February 24th, 2012

This year we have the pleasure of enjoying an extra day to accomplish our goals, as it is a Leap Year. Lore insists that Julius Caesar introduced leap year in the Roman Empire 2000 years ago. The purpose for adding this extra day was to keep the calendar year synchronized with the astronomical year. This means that the Earth’s revolutions around the sun do not equal 365 days exactly, so by adding an extra day nearly every four years we can keep our calendar in alignment with the Earth’s revolutions. If we didn’t do this, we would lose almost six hours off our calendar every year and 24 days off our calendar every 100 years!

During Julius Caesar’s time, the only rule for determining a leap year was that the year had to be divisible by four. This created too many leap years; therefore, the rule was eventually corrected. In the Gregorian calendar, three criteria must be met in order for a year to be a leap year:

1. The year is evenly divisible by four.

2. If the year is evenly divisible by 100, it is not a leap year unless…

3. The year is also evenly divisible by 400.

This means that the years 1800, 1900, and 2000 were not leap years, nor will 2100, 2200, 2300, 2400, or 2500 be.

Countries often created their own traditions to explain or celebrate these special years. One that goes back centuries states that on a leap year, woman had the opportunity to propose marriage to men instead of the other way around. However, if a man refused the proposal he owed the woman a kiss and a silk gown, as long as she was wearing a red petticoat at the time of the proposal.

What traditions will you create on this special day, during this special year? Will you take advantage of this extra day to accomplish a goal you’ve been putting off? Will you use the extra time to finish a task you’ve been procrastinating? Perhaps you will use this day to reach out to a loved one you’ve lost touch with. What ever you do, make sure to capitalize on the extra 24 hours you’ve been given!

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Dentist, Natalie Goodman
297 West FM 3040, Suite 127
Lewisville, Texas 75067

CALL US: 214-488-5505


Smiles for Life

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